Saturday, November 12, 2005

Waiting for my Newbee

I am patiently waiting for my newbee blogger Alguanti to post his next blog. I emailed to remind him today to do that but alas he may be one of those wannabees that is high on motivation but slow on actually doing something about it. I will put a fire under his proverbial ass and tell him that if he wants his new website to get noticed as well as his new blog that he had better post to it every day. I am sitting here in my RV parked in front of a restaurant that is in the process of being remodeled working verily on my laptop. I am a very lucky soul to have been given the opportunity to be in a position to help others realize their dreams. But sometimes it is a very lonely and twisted road with lots of potholes of disappointment and muddy treks thru untried territory with strangers that don't know why they have been put in my path. If you feel that you dreams have been unmet and you are willing to do everything it takes to realize them let me put you on the path to self fulfillment and help you realize your dreams. For truly by helping others realize their dreams is the only way that we can all be fullfilled. See for more on this and visit my newest customer to internet marketings website Thanks, Anny

Friday, November 11, 2005

I Just Love Helping People Learn How to Blog

I am helping a very highly motivated piano player called Al Guanti-he plays the piano very well but can't type worth a lick. He is constantly correcting himself on the computer. But I am highly sympathetic since I used to play the piano. And I am sure he would be correcting me constantly while I was playing. I am pretty sure he can play by ear-which I cant' I know that it would be a struggle for me. But I am sure he would be just as forgiving of every off-note as I am of him having to constantly retype his every word. Luckily blogs are very forgiving and bloggers don't really care if you can't spell anyways. So check back here often to see how I am doing with this newbee. You can see his new blog at
And if you ever need help with your blogging please see Ann Menke at